Anton Learns A Lesson

Anton has a few anxious moments in this story. His regular dental check-up is coming up and his conscience is bothering him. Mom has given him good wholesome food in his school lunches and he has traded Bobby for donuts, candy and chips. As the appointment draws nearer he has trouble concentrating in school and Mrs. Richardson calls Mom. He has no appetite at suppertime so goes to his room to catch up on the work he didn’t do in school. He can’t stop thinking of Dr. Kelley and how disappointed he’s going to be in him. He’s convinced that his mouth is full of cavities. That night, he has a nightmare and wakes up screaming. When Mom and Dad check on him he tells them that he was running down the street and his teeth were flying out both sides of his mouth. His parents had a hard time convincing him that it was just a dream and that his teeth are fine. He confesses that he has been trading good food for junk food and promises never to do it again. Anton, indeed, learned a lesson.

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